Economic Opportunities

The continuing strife in neighboring Afghanistan for the last four decades and the more recent military operation in Pakistan’s tribal areas has had a strong adverse impact on the economy of southern districts of KPK in particular and the province in general.

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Due to the porous border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, refugees keep migrating from Afghanistan and the tribal areas into the southern districts of KPK. This influx of refugees over time has had a negative influence on the law and order situation of the province leading to a degeneration of the economy.

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For sustainable economic activity, Wadaan Foundation (previously Nasr Foundation) is working to implement a three pronged strategy, firstly it is considered essential to take into account the indigenous produce of the people of the area. The local agriculture needs to be supported and enabled to develop on sustainable basis.

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There is also an important need to identify cottage and small scale industries and business in the area which have traditionally thrived here.

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To improve the competitiveness of the human resource of the area, Wadaan Foundation (previously Nasr Foundation) is working towards providing technical training programs to the youth in under developed areas. We believe our youth to be our country’s greatest resource and as such work to transform the skill set of the next generation, creating a technologically aware and highly skilled and work force.

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